

OSES is committed to business conduct that actively promotes and protects the health and safety of employees, business partners and communities and preserves the environment. We comply with all applicable federal and state laws and regulations. Where existing laws and regulations are not adequate to assure protection of human health, safety and the environment, we establish and enforce internal rules and policies. We make an ongoing effort to communicate our HSE commitment to employees, vendors and customers, secure their participation and solicit their input on improving our HSE processes.

Health and Safety

Protecting the well-being of employees and the public will always take precedence over expedience. The success of our HSE process relies not only on management’s commitment to provide a safe work environment, but also on the active participation of both employees and business partners in upholding safe work practices. Each employee must be committed to HSE, not only for themselves, but for their coworkers and communities. Every employee is required to STOP any unsafe practice or condition and has the following responsibilities:

  • A legal and regulatory obligation to act in a safe and environmentally sound manner
  • The responsibility for actively participating in peer observations and subsequent interventions
  • The responsibility to follow all safety and environmental compliance requirements


OSES’s commitment to environmental protection is an integral part of our culture and business practices. It is our policy to structure our processes and facilities to promote environmental responsibility. We strive to prevent releases to the atmosphere, land or water and employ waste minimization techniques whenever possible.

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